Many zoanthus enthusiasts get the chills at the thought of a condition called ZoaPox or ZoaPox. And yet, we know very little about it.
It starts with the formation of yellow/white spots on the stems of the zoanthus. Then, the polyps close and become completely overgrown by these 'Pox.' Eventually, the polyps shrivel up and die.
Whole colonies can be 'eaten' by this condition, and the process can happen quickly in small colonies or take months in large colonies.
At this time, there is no photographic evidence that zoapox also occurs in Paythoa. Some hobbyists believe this is due to high concentrations of Palytoxin in these polyps, making them immune to the pox. However, this is just a theory.
Thanh Nguyen has discovered a repeatable solution for ZoaPox.
Now that we know a bit more about the problem, the rest of the article is dedicated to a solution.
Thanh Nguyen has been able to reduce ZoaPox with Furan-2.
What is Furan-2?
In discus fish, fungus is a common condition. Furan-2 is often used successfully to combat this.
Furan-2 is effective against a wide range of gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial conditions in fresh and saltwater. This medication gives harmless green color to the water, which can be removed with activated carbon. This medication does not disrupt a biological balance in biological filters.
For the treatment, you need 2 containers of fresh saltwater. (Freshly made, not from the aquarium!)
Ensure that pH, temperature, and salinity are the same as the aquarium.